The jubilee hills police department in hyderabad city filed charges against six pubs under their jurisdiction for numerous offenses committed during the New Year's Eve celebrations on december 31. A lawsuit has been filed against the Halo and Taro bars for hosting the event without the authorization of the police. A complaint was filed against Grease Monkey and Luft Bar for prolonging the event over the 1 a.m. limit. Furthermore, the Makau and Xena bars have been booked in response to concerns from residents about excessive noise levels.

The City of Pearls said goodbye to 2023 and greeted the New Year with a slew of festivities, as a laid-back sunday atmosphere gave way to a pulsing excitement as the skies darkened.

To accommodate the surge of revelers, the hyderabad Metro extended its operation hours past the customary 11 p.m. cutoff. Despite the extended service, the trains carried surprisingly few people, demonstrating a community that appeared to prefer alternate forms of transportation for its celebrations.

Buses were packed till the last trip as many returned to their hometowns to celebrate the short holiday. The city's varied population gathered in houses of worship, with devout crowding churches for midnight 'watch night services' that began at 10 p.m. Temples were filled with special prayers and pujas, representing a common desire to begin the New Year with heavenly blessings.

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