Pushpa 2, starring allu arjun, will be released on august 15, the same weekend as ajay Devgn's Singham Again. However, current developments indicate that the release of pushpa 2 has been delayed, giving Singham Again a single release. A bollywood journalist tweeted about Singham Again having a single release, implying that pushpa 2 will be delayed. Some people believed this report since the film's production is being delayed owing to unanticipated complications, such as the arrest of a supporting actor who plays Keshava in a suicide case.

Sukumar is also renowned as a perfectionist, believing in reshootings until he achieves the desired result. Things were likewise postponed till the last minute during pushpa 1. Due to last-minute circumstances, the prints also arrived very late overseas. As a result, supporters were dismayed that pushpa 2 would miss out on the Independence Day windfall. However, a source close to the studio has stated that pushpa 2 has not been delayed and will be released on august 15, as previously planned. This delay rumor must be a ploy by the bollywood trade to instill fear in allu arjun supporters.

There is also a potential that the directors of Singham Again would recognize the box office storm that pushpa 2 will cause and postpone their picture to a later date, giving pushpa a single release. I hope they don't make the same mistake as the Dunki creators. Salaar vs. Dunki has recently turned vicious and brutal. So, if the confrontation between pushpa 2 and Singham Again is on, expect things to go nasty again.

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