There is no Sankranthi Update on Game Changer, which disappoints ram charan fans. It is commonly known that ram charan and Shankar's Game Changer has been in the works for a long time, and the film's advertising has been nearly non-existent, which has disappointed fans. There is no Sankranthi Update on Game Changer, which disappoints ram charan fans.

The full version of the film's Jaragandi song was recently released online and garnered a positive response. The team named the song's releasing date diwali 2023.  However, the team has not updated the song since then, and it appears that the unit has entirely forgotten about it. Charan fans were disappointed since they were anticipating updates for each event, such as christmas and New Year's, but the developers have yet to provide an update.

Everyone expected Game Changer's creators to release the song for Sankranthi, but it has yet to be published, and what's more shocking is that there has been no promotional update for the film, such as a new poster or shooting photos/videos. Fans of ram charan are always unhappy with the unit since the release date has yet to be declared and is being pushed back. As previously said, the film has been on set for a long time and the shoot is still ongoing. indian 2 had a significant effect on Game Changer.

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