At the Gunturkaaram Pre-release Event, superstar mahesh babu became emotional as he remembered his late father, Superstar Krishna. Mahesh Babu's passionate comments impacted everyone there as well as those who followed the address on tv and YouTube. But even that speech drew condemnation from some irrational trolls. They are criticizing mahesh babu, claiming that he is attempting to elicit pity ahead of his movie's premiere.

Junior ntr was also on the receiving end a few years back, when he broke down in tears while remembering his father at the Aravindha Sametha pre-release ceremony. These faceless trolls (occasionally fans of one actor turn trolls for another) are devoid of human emotion. They derive sick pleasure from criticizing heroes and tormenting their admirers for no reason.

It's acceptable that they do this with films, compilations, and so on. But they don't even respect private space and encroach on it relentlessly. They regard heroes as emotionless money-making machines. But not sparing them, even in cases of personal anguish, is pitiful. But the difficulty is that no one can educate these people until their online cover is exposed to their parents or relatives, revealing the terrible image they conceal behind their social media profiles.

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