It appears that societal norms and practices are evolving, as indicated by a recent survey revealing a shift in the contents of women's purses and handbags in India. Traditionally, such accessories might contain items like a comb, small mirror, lipstick, and touch up pad. However, the survey suggests that a certain percentage of women in india are now including condoms and birth control pills in their bags.
According to the survey, approximately 3% of women in india admit to regularly carrying condoms in their purses, signalling a growing awareness and emphasis on safer sex practices. Sexual health experts highlight the importance of condoms and emergency pills as essential tools for women's sexual health. This shift in behaviour is not unique to india, as it reflects changing attitudes toward sexual health globally.

In a notable instance from Bangalore in 2022, condoms and birth control pills were reportedly found in the bags of students, including girls, in a school. The survey underscores that condoms are easily accessible in society today, as they do not require a prescription for purchase. While 9.5% of men are reported to use condoms, the responsibility for preventing unintended pregnancies often falls more on women in India.

The changing dynamics are seen against the backdrop of increasing sexual experimentation and the prevalence of pornography consumption among the youth in India. Gynecologists emphasize the importance of sex education to prevent teenage pregnancies and promote sexual health in the evolving social landscape.

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