Alia Bhatt, an actor, recently attended the Joy Awards in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Several photos and videos of the actor during the event were shared on social media. alia received the Honorary Entertainment Makers Award at the occasion.

What alia wore for the awards event
Alia chose a one-of-a-kind appearance for the occasion, wearing a red, blue, and gold saree with a cape. The actor chose an off-shoulder blouse. She had her hair half-tied and was wearing earrings. alia grinned and struck several positions as she stood before the cameras.
Alia's acceptance speech at the event

Alia delivered her acceptance speech at the ceremony after receiving the prize. After accepting her prize, she stated, "It's an honor to be here in this country, which is doing so much to bring us all together under one roof in the name of the film. It is not often that innumerable artists from the West and east come together under one roof to honor one another. So, thank you for making this happen.

Alia says she's ‘obsessed with movies’

She also said, "It's a truly extraordinary night." I'm obsessed with films; that's all I know. I've mentioned it before: I suppose I was born on 'Lights, camera, action'. This is how much movies mean to me. When it comes to joy, one of the most important things in our life is love. So, when I return home tonight, I will carry with me my love of films as well as the affection I felt here in Riyadh. So thank you very much, and here's to the magic of films.

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