Pretty actress kajal aggarwal has reportedly attempted some dare-devil stunts in preparation for her forthcoming film 'Satyabhama'. "She is toiling hard for the film which has drained her physically and mentally too, but she is in no mood to give up," a source close to her said. She has been working tirelessly to raise the standard for woman-centric films and demonstrate her ability in action roles. 

"She even made her body double to sit idle on the sets for a few days as she went on to perform breath-taking action like jumps, kicks, and punches to showcase her fiery side," he goes on to say. In reality, she released her 'devil spirit' to become Tollywood's new action queen, and she wasn't afraid to take a few chances with action choreographer Subbu. "In the film, she portrays a no-nonsense officer who does not spare anyone who engages in illegal activities. 

She has brought the part to life by putting her heart and her into it, and she is about to reveal a previously undiscovered side to her admirers and viewers," he says. Previously, the actress was recognized for soft lover girl parts in films like as 'Darling', 'Arya 2,' 'Mr.Perfect,' and 'Businessman', but she exhibited her grey shades in another film 'Sita' and gained recognition for her dance talents in special numbers like 'Pakka local in 'Janatha Garage'. "She is a multi-faceted performer taking on heavy-duty action for the first time in her distinguished career. Probably, she wants to remake herself and become the go-to action star in Tollywood," he says.

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