Amid the ongoing war between russia and ukraine, a tragic incident occurred as a Russian military transport plane (IL-76) crashed near the borders of ukraine, resulting in the loss of 74 lives. russia disclosed that among the casualties, 65 individuals were Ukrainian prisoners of war, while the remaining nine were personnel on board. The incident took place in Belgorod, near ukraine, as per the Russian Ministry of Defence.

Contradictory reports emerged from ukraine, suggesting that the plane was shot down by their defence forces. Ukrainian media contended that there were no prisoners of war on the plane and accused russia of transporting missiles. russia vehemently denied these claims, asserting that the aircraft indeed carried Ukrainian prisoners of war. The speaker of the Russian parliament responded by accusing ukraine of shooting down a plane carrying its own soldiers. Serious allegations were made, claiming that Russian pilots were part of a humanitarian mission.

The dramatic scenes of the plane losing control and rapidly descending before crashing into residential areas were captured in videos circulating on social media. The aftermath showed the plane engulfed in flames. The conflicting narratives surrounding the crash have added to the complexity of the situation, further intensifying tensions between the two nations.

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