Samantha Ruth Prabhu is loving her time away from performing right now. The actress is pursuing other interests and enjoying life to the fullest. The South diva is known for her fitness obsession, and she participates in a variety of sports to stay healthy. samantha recently uploaded some photos on instagram stories in which she was seen seated on a horse named Oprah. In her story, the actress wrote in the caption: “The company of animals (heart emoji).”
It's encouraging to see that the celebrity actress is approaching life positively and making the most of her opportunities. samantha was also last seen heading to the theatre with a friend and actor-director rahul ravindran to see teja Sajja's HanuMan. samantha turned to social media after viewing the film to offer her opinions on it.

 Samantha was diagnosed with myositis, an autoimmune condition, in november 2022. samantha made a conscious decision not to accept any assignments after disclosing her medical condition. As a consequence, she even reimbursed the advance payments made for several of her films. samantha was recently replaced by shruti haasan in the film chennai Story, which was directed by Philip John. Samantha's most recent film, Kushi, directed by shiva Nirvana and starring Vijay Deverakonda, was released in 2023.

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