Family Star, starring vijay deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur, has been generating a lot of attention since it was announced. The second collaboration between Vijay and filmmaker Parasuram, following the blockbuster combo of geetha Govindam, has piqued the interest of cinema lovers, as has the new partnership between Vijay and the current talk of the town, Mrunal Thakur.

Fans have been waiting for an update ever since, and the film's official release date has now been revealed by the producers. On april 5, 2024, Family Star will be released in cinemas. The film's producers, SVC Creations, announced the release date on their social media accounts, along with an attractive poster showcasing vijay deverakonda from the flick. The filmmakers have picked an ideal release date for the picture, with a significant holiday week advantage.

With the official announcement of Family Star's april 5th release date, Jr.NTR's highly anticipated Pan-Indian endeavor with director Koratala Siva is likely to be postponed. dil Raju, the producer of Family Star, stated in a previous press interview that if Devara is postponed, Family Star will take place on april 5, 2024. Although there has been no official confirmation from the Devara crew, it is believed that the film will not be released on april 5th.

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