Vijay Deverakonda is partnering with his blockbuster director on 'Family Star,' and the team has now confirmed an april 5th release date, seizing NTR's Devara date. When the title was disclosed, many people thought it was out of date, and Parasuram's last film with mahesh babu dampened expectations for this movie. However, all it takes is one good start to shift perspective, and it appears that is occurring.

'Nanda Nandanaa,' albeit merely a brief audio clip shared by the team, has an immediate connection. If the music director creates a chartbuster for the first song, the project will be automatically elevated. Mrunal Thakur's pairing with Vijay would provide much-needed freshness. As previously stated, it just takes one chartbuster to shift perspective, and a lot hinges on the music director who provided blockbuster audio for 'Geetha Govindam.' At this moment, Gopi Sunder can bring more optimism to the project than director Parasuram.

The picture, which is set to make its global cinema premiere on april 5th, promises to be a fascinating family entertainer that will capture moviegoers. Dilraju has a favorable release date, and with Vijay Deverakonda's star power, the film will be a sensation. The poster has vijay deverakonda jogging in a lungi with a gunny sack slung over his shoulder and an aadhar card gripped in his lips, wonderfully depicting the life of a regular middle-class spouse.

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