On Thursday, prime minister narendra modi is scheduled to speak at a public gathering and present many development projects valued at over Rs 6,400 crore in Srinagar. The prime minister will also attend the "Viksit Bharat Viksit Jammu Kashmir" program at the srinagar stadium on his first visit to kashmir since the repeal of Article 370.

In line with the 'Swadesh Darshan' and 'PRASHAD' (Pilgrimage Rejuvenation And Spiritual, heritage Augmentation Drive) schemes, PM narendra modi is set to initiate tourism-related national projects valued at over Rs 1,400 crore. Among these projects is one aimed at the integrated development of Srinagar's Hazratbal shrine.

Along with revealing the tourism sites chosen under the Challenge-Based Destination Development (CBDD) initiative, he will also launch the 'Chalo india Global Diaspora' campaign and the 'Dekho Apna Desh People's Choice tourism Destination Poll”.  Along with meeting with recipients of several central initiatives, such as women achievers, farmers, and entrepreneurs, PM Modi is scheduled to hand out appointment letters to about one thousand recently hired government workers in kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>jammu and kashmir, according to the statement.

According to the statement, the "Holistic Agriculture Development Programme" (HADP), which the prime minister will introduce, will cover the entire range of activities in the three main domains of horticulture, agriculture, and livestock husbandry. This will significantly boost the agri-economy of the region.
Roughly 2.5 lakh farmers are anticipated to get skill-development training under the initiative, and robust value chains will be developed for the benefit of the agricultural community, along with the establishment of roughly 2,000 farmers' service centers. According to the statement, PM Modi's planned tourism initiatives are in keeping with his goal of enhancing visitors' entire experience at popular tourist and pilgrimage destinations around the nation by constructing first-rate facilities and infrastructure there.
In addition to the Hazratbal shrine project, additional initiatives include the construction of tourism facilities in Meghalaya's Northeast Circuit, Rajasthan's Spiritual Circuit, Bihar's Rural and Tirthankar Circuit, and several more projects in states like telangana and Madhya Pradesh.
In addition, 43 initiatives that will create a variety of tourism destinations and places of pilgrimage across the nation will be introduced by the prime minister.


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