At Chandrababu's undavalli home, the tdp, janasena, and BJP's seat-sharing negotiations came to an end. On behalf of the bjp, minister Gajendra Singh Shekawat and Baijayant Panda were present, while pawan kalyan and nadendla manohar represented Janasena. There were almost eight hours of the conference. 

It has been agreed that the bjp and janasena would run together for eight mp seats and thirty mla seats. One mla seat beyond the original agreement. Two mp seats and twenty-one mla seats are up for grabs for Janasena. Six mp seats and ten mla seats will go to the BJP. The tdp plans to run for the remaining 17 mp seats and 144 mla seats. Supporters of janasena are unhappy that the bjp removed seats from their total.

TDP general secretary nara lokesh stated on monday that chief minister jagan mohan reddy is becoming fearful of the tdp, Jana Sena, and the bjp combination, and this is evident in his emotions. Speaking at his current Sankharavam gathering in the Anantapur district of Rudrampet, lokesh said that jagan Mohan Reddy's facial expressions made it obvious that he was terrified of the tie-up between the three parties.

With great affection, lokesh reminisced about the Anantapur people's support in propelling the late N T Rama Rao, the founder of the tdp, to the position of chief minister of the State. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to address the people of this land, which he holds in the highest regard.

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