In response to the tragic road accident death of late secunderabad mla G lasya Nandhitha, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) has chosen to field G Niveditha, the sister of the late MLA. During a news conference held on Saturday, march 16, Niveditha stated, "Our family was advised by the party leaders to run for office from secunderabad (Cantt-SC)."
G lasya Nanditha, the mla for secunderabad (Cantt-SC), died on february 23 in a traffic accident on Patancheru's Outer Ring Road. Along with the ride with her driver was a shooter.
Section 304A of the IPC, which deals with causing death by carelessness, was used to file a charge against her driver Akash at the patancheru police station in the sangareddy district.
Paradoxically, lasya Nanditha, 37, started her political career after her father Sayaanna, a well-liked commander at the secunderabad cantonment, passed away.

Who was lasya Nanditha?
About ten years ago, Nanditha, who is the daughter of the late BRS leader G Sayanna, entered politics. In november of last year, the 36-year-old lawmaker emerged victorious from the secunderabad Cantonment assembly constituency. With 17,169 votes, she beat Ganesh N, the bjp candidate. After her father, a five-time mla from the same constituency passed away, she was able to clinch the BRS nomination. In 2016, Nandita held the position of Hyderabad's Kavadiguda Municipal Corporator. In december 2020, she resigned from her position following her defeat in the municipal elections.

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