Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, popularly referred to as king Khan or SRK is a social media mogul in addition to captivating fans on screen. Standing tall as one of India's most followed superstars on social media, he boasts astounding numbers: 46.6 million instagram followers, 44 million X followers, and 43 million facebook followers.
However, did you know that SRK only looks at the feeds of "six" users on his photo-sharing website? The celebrity only has six followers on instagram, while following 74 well-known individuals on X.

This exclusive group includes his manager pooja Dadlani, close friend Kajal Anand, and family members wife Gauri Khan, son aryan Khan, daughter Suhana Khan, and niece alia Chhiba. He doesn't even follow any filmmakers or even his close buddies, salman khan and Kajol.
Even though SRK isn't a huge social media fan, his sporadic posts occasionally garner notice and frequently cause a stir online. His most recent posts feature the newest merchandise from Aryan's apparel line, DyavolX.

In terms of his career, Shah Rukh Khan finished 2023 with three huge hits: "Jawan," "Dunki," and Pathaan. He is now getting ready for "Pathaan 2," the much awaited sequel, and Suhana Khan's next endeavor. king Khan's return to the big screen is much anticipated by fans, and filming for his upcoming projects is anticipated to start shortly.

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