Alaya F, who appears in the song "Wallah Habibi" from "Bade Miyan Chote Miyan," shared a behind-the-scenes (BTS) video from the filming. Alongside Manushi Chhillar, tiger Shroff, and Akshay Kumar, the song is now popular on the internet. Alaya stated that she aimed to reach the track in minus one degree in the caption.

Alaya F shot for 'Wallah Habibi' in extreme temperatures. Dressed in a red ensemble, the actor flexed her moves while shooting. She wrote, "Fun fact: It looks warm and sunny but it was actually -1 degrees when we were shooting this portion #WallahHabibi #BTS Choreography by @boscomartis , Make up by @reshmaamerchant , hair by @hairstylist_madhav2.0 #BadeMiyanChoteMiyanOnEid2024 (sic)."
The most recent single from "Bade Miyan Chote Miyan" is "Wallah Habibi." As they swayed to the track's sounds, tiger and Akshay appeared to be channeling their inner dancers. Irshad Kamil wrote the words, while vishal mishra created the music. vishal Dadlani, vishal mishra, and Dipakshi Kalita are the singers of the song. 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,' starring tiger Shroff, Akshay Kumar, Alaya F, and Manushi Chhillar, is billed as an action-packed comedy. april 10 is when ali Abbas Zafar, the director, opens theaters.


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