On march 30, Jana Sena chief pawan kalyan launched his electoral campaign in the pithapuram seat. But after a few days, the campaign was called off when Pawan became sick and developed a fever. Meanwhile, Pawan's campaign will now continue, according to a statement issued by the Jana Sena in an official capacity today. Nonetheless, in light of Pawan's health, they released certain directives that party members, supporters, and admirers had to abide by throughout his campaign.
According to reports, Pawan has recurring influenza, which causes him to have a fever at some point each day. Thus, fans were requested not to throw flowers directly in Pawan's face and were warned against making elaborate garlands adorned with cranes. In addition, considering Pawan's bad health, fans were asked not to insist on handshakes or pictures with him. In the pithapuram constituency's Kothapally village, Pawan and tdp leader SVSN varma met with leaders of the allied parties earlier today.

On the 23rd of this month, Pawan plans to file his nomination and personally deliver his nomination document to the returning officer on that day. Given the upcoming polls, janasena soldiers are anticipated to show up in large numbers for the nomination ceremony, which might serve as a political morale-booster for the JSP.

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