In Telangana, ahead of the lok sabha elections that take place next month, officials have seized cash, precious metals, spirits, and other freebies valued at Rs 155.85 crore so far, they claimed on Tuesday. The enforcement agents confiscated cash, alcohol, and gifts worth Rs 29.72 crore during the final week of april 21. The Income Tax Department, Police, Flying Squads, and Static Surveillance Teams confiscated Rs 10.42 crore in cash this past week, bringing the total amount taken to Rs 61.11 crore.

The state Prohibition & Excise Department, along with the FS, SST, and Police, confiscated 2.48 lakh liters of spirits valued at Rs 8.14 crore. With this, since the model code of conduct went into force, the total amount of spirits seized has increased to Rs. 28.92 crore.
Narcotics valued at Rs 1.05 crore were also seized throughout the week, bringing the total amount of drugs seized to Rs 23.87 crore.
Throughout the week, the enforcement authorities also took control of valuable metals such as gold, silver, and jewelry, valued at Rs 5.87 crore. This brings the total amount of items seized to Rs 19.16 crore. They also confiscated complimentary gifts worth Rs 4.21 crore, including computers, cookers, and sarees.
As a result, the total amount of freebies seized has increased to Rs 22.77 crore.

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