Surya works as a radio journalist. He loses both of his parents in an accident and has an odd illness that prevents him from recognising individuals by their features. What occurs if surya sees someone killed? The main premise of the film is how he overcomes his condition to get away from the allegation and find the true murderer. The love tale and its resolution are the subject of the parallel tracks.
Suhas is now known as "Actor." suhas begins displaying his acting prowess right away. He performs well with the role, which is well-designed to play to his skills. His abilities really shine at the times when he is most vulnerable emotionally. The two leading ladies, Payal radhakrishna and Rashi Singh, both have significant roles. While the latter has a significant character role, the former portrays the love interest. Payal radhakrishna performs okay, although occasionally her appearance seems strange. Because of her position, rashi khanna occasionally gets to behave unlike herself, and she does so rather well. Given the breadth, it might have been better, but.

Nithin prasanna is given a passable part that doesn't work out in the end. Goparaju ramana and nandu are useless. viva harsha performs as usual and is merely mediocre. There isn't much for the other members of the cast to discuss. Vijay Bulganin's soundtrack enhances the film. There are a few tracks, one of which has a catchy vibe. Even when the story appears to be stagnating, the background soundtrack gives it a lively vibe. The song that plays on repeat is a great hook.
All things considered, prasanna Vadanam has a novel idea that can be divided into drama and suspense segments. The latter provides few surprises, while the former is monotonous and drags. The resulting uneven tone is primarily misses with some hits. If you enjoy a change of pace, give it a shot, but go in with minimal expectations.


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