Known as DeepVeer to their fans, ranveer singh and deepika Padukone's wedding photos have vanished from the Simmba actor's instagram account. Fans noticed on tuesday that Ranveer, who is expecting his first child with Deepika, had removed the couple's wedding photos from his account. The couple shared several endearing pictures from their two weddings in november 2018, honoring Deepika's Konkani and Ranveer's Sindhi roots. 

The pictures have been removed from his instagram grid more than five years later. It's unclear if he deleted or stored the pictures. Ranveer's instagram account now contains 133 posts, the first of which was posted in january 2023 while he was advertising for a sportswear company. deepika has kept the pictures on her grid in the meantime. On his timeline, Ranveer still has more recent pictures with Deepika.

In the middle of Ranveer and Deepika's babymoon, there is an abrupt social media move. deepika may be seen on an aeroplane stairwell in a picture that is thought to be from a recent holiday. She is wearing sunglasses and a loose-fitting brown outfit that is more appropriate for pregnancy wear. Ranveer, dressed casually in all white, trails closely after her. There's also a distinct baby bump. Reddit users praised the pair in the comments section.

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