On Monday, May 13, rashmika mandanna was sighted at Mumbai's Versova Jetty. The pushpa actress calmly conversed with the media members in attendance, who told her they were looking forward to her visit.  Rashmika Mandanna, an actress affectionately known as the National crush, was spotted at Mumbai's Versova Jetty yesterday night.
The stylish rashmika looked great in a blue crop top and high-waist balloon trousers. She accessorized her ensemble with a matching white blazer and shoes. rashmika had a mask on over her face as well, maybe to distract herself. The media was already there when the actress from Animal arrived at the location.
 They had been waiting for her in the middle of the dust storm when Paps gently urged her to take off her face mask for the photos. After learning that the crowd had been waiting for her for two hours, Mandanna took off her mask and was spotted having a good time interacting with the journalists. The press didn't hesitate to refer to her as the country's crush and expressed their excitement for her next endeavors. The actress from dear comrade replied by jokingly asking them which particular flicks they were looking forward to seeing.

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