Kiara Advani is preparing to feature in ram Charan's Game Changer, a political action thriller directed by S Shankar. The picture has been in the works for a long time. She will also join the YRF espionage world in hrithik roshan and NTR's war 2. kiara is also set to feature in Don 3, opposite Ranveer Singh. According to reports, Advani will star opposite yash in the film Toxic.
 Kiara just debuted at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. As a L'Oreal paris brand ambassador, she represented india at the red Sea Film Foundation's women in movie Gala event, emphasizing the country's expanding impact in the worldwide movie landscape. During an interview during the event, anupama chopra spoke about her long-awaited film Game Changer. kiara stated that they have been shooting the film for three years and are excited to see the finished product.

Kiara stated, "We've been filming for the film for so long, like three years, that I want to watch everything we've done. We shot a lot. I'm incredibly excited to see this flick. Because even I am like, well, it's been a long time, and I want to see what we've filmed. But I hope everyone likes it when they watch it. 
Kiaa seemed to want to add that she had been filming Game Changer for so long that she had forgotten what they had filmed, and that she, too, was interested to see what film they had eventually created. kiara also discussed the difficult Jaragandi song, which she described as the most difficult she has ever shot. She revealed that Prabhudeva made her execute all of the backbreaking movements in the song, just like ram Charan.


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