The telangana Food Safety Department continued its inspections of restaurants and other food establishments on Thursday, May 30, raiding the Arabian Restaurant, the renowned Nimrah Cafe, and Hotel Shadab, all located in and surrounding the Charminar. Officials discovered many breaches, adding to the increasing list of worries about food safety in area restaurants.

Arabian Restaurant
The food inspectors from hyderabad discovered that the real copy of the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) license was not prominently displayed on the premises. Few food workers were reportedly not wearing haircaps, gloves, or aprons. It should be mentioned that eateries in hyderabad, particularly in the Old City and charminar neighborhoods, are notorious for being unsanitary.
 The food inspectors discovered that Arabiana Restaurant's kitchen was open to the "external environment." A refrigerator was also discovered to be in unsanitary circumstances, with stagnant water and messy and greasy exhaust fans operating near the cooking area. According to the Food Safety Department, food goods were improperly marked, and medical fitness was unavailable.

Nimrah Cafe & Bakery
Inspectors discovered that the real copy of the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) license was not prominently displayed at Nimrah Cafe. According to the Food Safety Department, a few food workers did not wear haircaps, gloves, or aprons. It also said that open areas where baked goods were stored lacked suitable bug-proof rooms.
 Nimrah Cafe is a renowned eatery located right outside the charminar in the Old City. Known for its famous biscuits, the place is frequently crowded all day, beginning as early as 5 a.m. Food safety officials discovered things such as fresh cream and pastries that were stored in the refrigerator without a label.

Hotel Shadaab
Food inspectors discovered inappropriate labeling of packaged Eagle Brand chopping coconuts at another renowned Biryani establishment near the Charminar. Packed dried rose petals, cardamom, and jeera were also confiscated. The Food Safety Department reported that semi-prepared and uncooked food items were placed inside the refrigerator without adequate labeling.
The food inspectors discovered that the real copy of the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) licence was not posted in a visible area on the premises. The kitchen lacked sufficient doors and window-proofing. Flies, vermin, and insects were noticed buzzing about food goods. Inspectors discovered flaky plaster on the ceiling. There was dust and spider plaster from the gas pipeline.

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