To keep an eye on unlicensed bike racers in Cyberabad, the Raidurgam police launched a special operation on saturday night and seized fifty motorcycles. Both bike owners and riders are the subject of filed cases.
The Raidurgam police carried out special drives in the T-HUB area, ITC Kohinoor, Knowledge Park area, Sathva building, and my home Bhuja region in response to public complaints, and they confiscated fifty motorcycles. During the special drive, ACP madhapur and thirty police officers booked charges under Sections 336, 341 IPC, and Sec. 184 MV Act.
According to Ch. Venkanna, SHO of the Raidurgam police station, all bikes will be turned over to the RTO for additional processing, and motorcyclists will appear in court.

According to Ch Venkanna, Inspector of the Raidurgam police station, all bikes will be turned over to the RTO for additional processing, and motorcyclists will appear in court. police have warned that anyone who participates in these kinds of actions would face severe consequences since they cause inconvenience not only to locals but also to commuters. It was recommended that parents keep an eye on their kids and discourage them from riding bikes after dark.

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