Is jagan deceived by avinash Iragavarapu..!?

* Is avinash Iragavarapu the reason for YCP's terrible defeat in AP?
* Did the surveys given by avinash Iragavarapu sink YCP?
* Did cm jagan make a mistake by giving more priority to Avinash?

After the defeat of ycp in andhra pradesh state, different reasons are being heard regarding the party's defeat. There are many reasons such as opposition among government employees, mistakes in the manifesto, negligence in Mega DSC, ap being a state without a capital, non-availability of quality liquor, people constantly facing problems due to roads, jagan staying away from people, Jagan's inability to know the reality at the ground level. But Jagan's close friends believe that Avinash's impatience is the reason for Jagan's defeat. While staying by Jagan's side, avinash is making comments that he has sunk the party. Previously, avinash Iragavarapu worked with Donald Trump. He seems to have worked as a political advisor to Trump. After that, avinash worked as Jagan's internal political advisor.
However, the comments show that jagan was deceived by believing the results of the survey given by avinash Iragavarapu. It seems that jagan trusted avinash a lot in terms of surveys, but the reports given by avinash are not close to the facts. It is heard in the political circles that avinash has revealed that jagan has not been defeated in every survey. Since 2013, avinash has played a key role in formulating the strategy for YCP. It cannot be said that ycp lost because of Avinash, but the comments are showing that his role in YCP's defeat is also high. Hailing from Rajahmundry, avinash Iragavarapu did his MBA at IIM Lucknow. He seems to have worked as a strategist for ycp and some other political parties as well. While staying by Jagan's side, avinash Iragavarapu has completely failed to keep Jagan's trust, comments are being heard on the social media platform.

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