A state-wide demonstration against the attacks by a mob attacking Muslim houses in medak town has been called for by the Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Muslim groups in Telangana. During Eid prayers, Muslims in telangana are advised to wear black badges as a quiet protest. The group urged district authorities to maintain order throughout the demonstration.

The organization's officials expressed sadness at the police's quiet silence throughout the three hours that rioting broke out in medak town. They questioned the police's involvement in stopping the violence as well. It is well known that early on the day of the tragedy, the RSS circulated fictitious images and videos across the town of Medak. They said that during the evening, they assaulted Muslim-owned hotels, stores, and other businesses.
They went on to say that the congress administration was negligent in this area and that it is clear that these assaults were prearranged. They claimed, "There is a possibility that more incidents of this nature will occur, and the bjp is attempting to strengthen itself by escalating these tensions alone."

They said that to attract attention, the bjp had organized an attack on one of their members. They voiced worry that the state government had not intervened to halt any organization that had been planning rioting during Telangana's Bakrid celebration over the previous week.

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