Nine of Akshay Kumar's ten most recent films have been complete failures, making his current record dismal. He is currently at the lowest moment in his career, as shown by the embarrassing box office results of about Rs. 2 crore that flicks as Selfiee and Mission Ranigunj opened to. Compared to his previous run of hits up to 2019, the post-Covid era has hurt him hard.
His worst failure to date was Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, his last movie, which incurred enormous losses of 250 crores. After releasing the teaser for Sarfira yesterday, Akshay quickly went on to Sarfira, a remake of Suriya's OTT smash Soorarai Pottru. 

But deciding to adapt an OTT movie has drawn harsh criticism. Even his devoted fan following thinks this is a hazardous and maybe fatal decision, and they are not interested in this picture. Even after recent flops with remakes such as Bachchan Paandey and Selfiee, akshay kumar seems unfazed and keeps making the same blunders.

The film is slated for release on July 12; yesterday saw the debut of the much-anticipated teaser, which indicates that Akshay Kumar's character will encounter many obstacles in his attempt to make inexpensive air travel a reality for every Indian. Additionally, Akshay's performance doesn't appear to measure up to Suriya's passionate performance from the original. In the original, aparna balamurali had a scorching chemistry with Suriya; radhika madan is no match for her. The film, which was directed by sudha Kongara, centers on a regular man's vision to transform indian aviation.

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