Great conflicts accompany enormous popularity! The public has frequently taken unfair offense at movie stars, and some of them have even been eager to permanently abandon the entertainment industry. Obsessed fans, who declare that movie stars are their gods, occasionally go too far and put their heroes in uncomfortable circumstances, which can be detrimental to their mental well-being. 
One regrettable incident saw South hollywood actress kajal aggarwal being unnecessarily handled by a member of the public who had come to see her for the first time at a retail store launch. Before taking a break for her wedding and her son's birth, kajal aggarwal was one of the South's most sought-after faces. She is making a gradual comeback to the game, and indian 2 will be her next appearance.
 When a member of the public came to greet kajal aggarwal at the opening of her retail store and engaged in lewd behavior by groping the "Singham" actor improperly, she rightfully lost her cool. There was a sizable throng waiting outside the store when Kajal came to take in the sight of the stunning establishment. However, what she thought would be a kind gesture from her admirers turned out to be a nightmare, leaving her with bitter recollections of the occasion.

Kajal Aggarwal may be seen yelling at several admirers who try to contact her physically in a widely shared video from the event, while another person seems to have grabbed her improperly. The "Ghostly" star became furious by this and turned to confront the man, giving him a stern talk as she made her way to her car. Then, in a fit of rage, she was observed storming towards her car while mouthing the words "move, hato."

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