Many challenges ahead of Sri Bharat..!? Can it be Resolved..?

- visakha Steel Plant has to fight for a separate mine.
- The sea coast should be developed as a tourist destination.
- The companies hesitated due to lack of space and other problems.

M. Sribharat, a young leader elected for the first time as Visakhapatnam mp, has many challenges ahead of him. If he solves them as a young mp, he will stay in the hearts of the people here for some time. Especially to stop the visakha Steel Plant from being privatized which everyone wants. This has been done by ycp MPs in the past as well. But, this time, instead of being greedy, they have to work hard for the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. The main problem here is the lack of infrastructure. Scarcity of raw materials. The coal problem in the Visakhapatnam steel plant has been going on for several years. Coal mine has not been allocated for this, so it has to be purchased from other mines. With this, the profit from the production is matched by the purchase of coal. In this context, there is a demand to allot a power plant in Rourkela to the visakha steel plant. So if mp Sribharat tries in this direction, it will be done very well.
Further, the determination to develop the Sagara coastal tourism area was stopped in 2019. The previous Chandrababu government decided to develop the sea coast here as a world-class tourist area. But, when ycp came these works stopped. Now Sri Bharat has a chance to achieve this. He should take steps as an order. Also, the previous government invited many organizations to make Visakhapatnam an IT hub.

However, the companies hesitated due to lack of space and other problems. As an mp now there is an opportunity to give a big boost to the education and employment sectors by bringing them back. Also, efforts should be made to bring changes in those areas by implementing central government schemes in dirty areas. Even now, the people of the Sitamma Dhara area are facing problems due to pollution. There are no proper roads either. Efforts should be made to resolve these.

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