The task force team of the telangana Food Safety Department started investigating hotels in secunderabad after performing inspections at eateries in Hyderabad. The crew inspected the Alpha Hotel, raj Bar and Restaurant, and Hotel Sandarshini yesterday.

Violations found in hotels in Secunderabad
Food items kept in the refrigerator at Hotel Sandarshini were covered but improperly tagged. Also, there was no insect-proof screen installed in the kitchen area. Nonetheless, aprons and hair caps were discovered on food workers.

A rat was seen close to the trash can location at raj Bar and Restaurant. There were no rat traps set up.

Dustbins without adequate covers were discovered to be open at the eatery. Aprons and hair hats were missing from food workers.
There were additional infractions discovered at the secunderabad Alpha Hotel. Unsanitary conditions were noted at the hotel, including flaking of plaster on the ceiling and open trash cans.
Additionally, there was no suitable insect-proof screen installed in the kitchen area.

The task force team claims that the FBO obstructed the food safety officers' work throughout the inspection and declined to sign the final inspection report.
The Commissioner of Food Safety stated that a complaint would be filed against the FBO following Clause 62 of the FSS Act 2006, which carries a maximum sentence of three months in jail and a maximum fine of one lakh rupees.

Raids at restaurants in Hyderabad
The task force team recently carried out searches at many Hyderabadi eateries and discovered several anomalies.
The crew noticed product consumption that was over its expiration date at certain establishments and sanitary problems at others.
The National Restaurant Association of india (NRAI) has chosen to rate Hyderabadi eateries based on their sanitary standards after the inspections.
The objective of this effort is to make NRAI members more accountable.

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