Environmentalist M Karunakar reddy launched the "Rainwater Revolution" campaign to solve the shortage of water and promote sustainable habits that would avert future catastrophes. The campaign emphasizes the need for rainwater gathering. Launched in May, the goal of this program is to use rainwater harvesting to find solutions for water scarcity. It aims to encourage people to gather and save rainwater for a variety of vital uses, such as drinking and sanitation following appropriate treatment.

The founder of Igniting Minds and environmentalist, M Karunakar reddy, stated: "We are aware of the water difficulties experienced by citizens in Bengaluru and Delhi. We have started this effort to stop telangana from experiencing a similar circumstance. It seeks to raise awareness and inspire action. A sustainable approach that eases the strain on municipal water supplies and replenishes groundwater levels is rainwater gathering. It is essential, particularly in the heat.

Saying, "As we saw this summer, several localities in hyderabad struggled with water crises," he emphasized the significance of the initiative. The same struggles cannot befall us the following summer. We want to start this campaign to encourage people to embrace rainwater collecting, which is an economical practice, as the monsoon is expected to arrive in the third week of May. Anyone looking for cost-effective assistance installing rainwater collecting filters should contact our team at Igniting Minds. These harvesting mechanisms have a 20-year shelf life.

Over 9,000 individuals in telangana have contacted us in only one month, and 3,000 of them have already agreed to install rainwater harvesting filters. This is an encouraging reaction. Our objective for this year is to build about 10,000 rainwater gathering systems, which will contribute to the preservation of 1.27 TMC of water. We are also working with the hyderabad Water Board on humanitarian grounds," he continued. He called on more people to join the "Rainwater Revolution," and provided advice and recommendations by calling 9000365000.

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