Pawan's swearing-in as Deputy CM..!! Priority to Jagan..!?

* tdp should be appreciated for giving priority to Jagan.
 * Fans are happy as Pawan enters the Assembly.
* Did 81 MLAs enter the assembly together for the first time?

Assembly sessions in ap have started today. cm Chandrababu and deputy cm Pawan took oath as MLAs in the Legislative assembly today. Protem Speaker gorantla butchaiah Chaudhary administered an oath to them. After that, the alliance ministers were sworn in. There are 81 MLAs who entered the assembly for the first time and six new members entered the assembly from the joint krishna district. Among the MLAs are two ex-IAS while there are 11 members named Srinivas. It is noteworthy that tdp gave priority to jagan over protocol by allowing Jagan's vehicle in the ap Assembly. The meetings started at 9:46 am today and these meetings will be held for two days.
Opinions are being expressed that by giving permission to tdp Jagan's vehicle, the party's achievements have been validated. Even if ycp does not get opposition status, jagan is an ordinary MLA, but the alliance government is giving priority to Jagan. jagan greeted many tdp MLAs in the assembly. On the other hand, Pawan's entry into the assembly made fans very happy. After ten years, Pawan made his entry into the assembly and the joy of the fans knew no bounds. It is noteworthy that opinions are being expressed that the right time has come for pawan kalyan to achieve sensational achievements in politics. Pawan's swearing-in as deputy cm is making fans happy.

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