Several reports indicate that the hyderabad police have ordered businesses to close between 10:30 and 11 p.m. every day due to the recent increase in crime incidences in the city. The findings were released soon after A revanth reddy, the chief minister, examined the state's law and order situation in light of recent violent incidents.

There have been several killings in the Old City lately, which has the locals worried.
In the latest incident, a group of armed people in Kalapather fatally murdered Falaknuma resident Samad, who owned a food court.
Following a night of partying with friends at a pub and restaurant on Rajendranagar road, a group of individuals in attapur on 8 june killed Mohd Layeeq, another guy from Rajendranagar.
Mohd Zakir Ali, a 28-year-old driver, was killed at reddy -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>achi reddy Nagar on june 21.

Confusion Among Traders
In the meanwhile, there is a misunderstanding among the city's traders over the businesses' closing times.
Social media is ablaze with tweets and news about the state government ordering business owners to lock their doors in the city at 10:30 p.m.
Since no formal orders were sent through any notice, the traders were perplexed as to where the information came from. "We were not informed by the police of the early store closures. Regardless, hotels remain open until midnight while we close at 11 p.m.,” said Zaker Ali, the owner of a clothing store.

No formal instructions received: Police
A senior police official who was approached stated that they had not yet received any official written orders from their superiors. The officer stated, "Given the current state of law and order, it is preferable that the shops close early to avoid needless gatherings."
In the meanwhile, the public has been cautioned by the police not to accept rides from strangers and not to linger late at night on city streets. Additionally, they alerted the public to the severe repercussions of being caught drinking in public.
The public was advised to report any illicit activities by dialing 100 right away. The people are urged to follow the law and work with the police.


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