Fans of the indian cricket team will surely recall the devastating evening of november 19, 2023, when australia defeated india at the narendra modi Stadium in ahmedabad in the ICC cricket world cup final. Millions of fans were left with wet eyes by the setback, in addition to the players. But now there's an opportunity to exact a harsh and cold retribution.

Under the West Indies, the t20 world cup 2024 Super 8 matches are presently in progress. australia suffered a shock loss to afghanistan on june 23 at the Arnos Vale Ground in Kingstown, St. Vincent, falling short by 21 runs. With this historic triumph, afghanistan became the first team in international cricket history to defeat australia, and Australia's hopes of making it to the semi-finals were greatly diminished.

The indian squad now has a fantastic chance to exact revenge for their world cup defeat. india may be able to eliminate australia from the competition if they win their final Super 8 match on june 24. Afghanistan's victory over bangladesh that same evening is necessary for this to happen. australia won't be able to advance to the semi-finals if these requirements are satisfied.
The fact that history is on India's side raises the stakes. australia has lost in the semi-finals or earlier every time india has won the ODI or t20 World Cup. Given that australia stands on India's path to a world cup title, a victory over them might open the door for another india world cup success. india might avoid a possibly more difficult match in the finals and improve their chances of winning the t20 world cup 2024 title by easily defeating Australia. There are enormous stakes involved. To take australia off their path and take advantage of this opportunity for vengeance and triumph, the indian squad will have to play at their very best.


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