Reporters questioned Melania trump about her plans to go on the campaign trail after she skipped significant events related to her husband's presidential effort earlier this year, such as the Super tuesday victory celebration and the Iowa opening of the 2024 election. She said, "Pay attention"
However, Melania trump has mostly abstained from public appearances since making that remark in March, following her and Donald Trump's vote in Florida's primary. A handful of fundraisers in april and their son's high school graduation have been the only exceptions.

During his almost month-long hush money trial in New York, the presumed Republican presidential nominee was conspicuously absent from the former first lady's presence on all days. She wasn't present for the guilty decision last month or his comments at trump Tower the day after. She did not show up at any of Trump's recent campaign rallies or at the 78th birthday celebration that his fan club threw on june 14.

According to Ohio university history professor Katherine Jellison, who specialises in first ladies, it was rare for her to be absent from the trial and other significant occasions. However, Jellison said that perhaps it shouldn't be shocking given Melania Trump's apparent reluctance to adopt the customary public persona of a politician's spouse. She also maintained a low profile as first lady and did not frequently participate in her husband's unsuccessful 2020 presidential campaign.
Jellison stated, "But it seems like everything the Trumps do goes against the conventional wisdom about how candidates and spouses act."

Melania Trump's actions are different from those of previous politicians who have depended on their wives. In an attempt to connect with female voters, male politicians may occasionally resort to their spouses. In order to give voters a better idea of the candidate's character outside of politics, wives of candidates may also attend.
For instance, before florida Governor Ron DeSantis suspended his bid for the nomination, his wife Casey DeSantis travelled with him, participated in interviews, and organised a group called Mamas for DeSantis during this year's Republican primary. Dr. apoorva Ramaswamy, the spouse of vivek Ramaswamy, was also active in the campaign, frequently making appearances with their two young children to discuss the value of family.

Fifteen persons who recently attended significant fundraisers or Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort were contacted by the Associated Press. Nobody claimed to have seen Melania trump on the florida estate.
Multiple requests for comment have not received a response from her office. Her sole recent public remark was made two days after the florida Republican party made a big splash announcing her son Barron trump, 18, had been selected as a state delegate to the RNC. Her staff then claimed he was unable to go, citing other obligations.


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