The most widely used streaming service is Netflix, but many people find it to be excessively costly, particularly in nations like India. people frequently don't watch Netflix in smaller towns or download its material illegally, which costs the firm money. As per recent rumors, Netflix is considering the possibility of providing a free version in some areas that display advertisements.

Netflix believes it's critical to maintain audience engagement. In May 2024, Netflix has 270 million customers. To attract additional users, the service may provide a free version with advertisements. To draw in more users, Netflix may make this version available for free throughout europe and Asia, maybe even including India. Plans to implement this in the US have not yet been announced, but it may take place in nations like germany and japan which have a large number of free tv stations.

If Netflix provides a free version with advertisements, it may be able to attract users who are unwilling to pay for a subscription (the least expensive plan with advertisements in the US is now $6.99 a month). Due to licensing agreements, popular series like Wednesday, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Squid Game, and Stranger Things definitely wouldn't be available in the free version.
Netflix is the streaming service with the most users worldwide, but its revenue from advertising is less than that of competitors like Disney (about $10 billion) and Paramount (around $8 billion), as well as YouTube (almost $15 billion). There are already 40 million subscribers to Netflix's ad-supported plan, and a large number of new customers have opted for this less expensive alternative since the company banned password sharing.

Tubi and PlutoTV are two more free streaming providers that are expanding. For instance, Tubi surpassed Disney+ in popularity in the US in May, attracting one million viewers. PlutoTV has expanded as rival providers have raised their rates and continues to provide free films and series without requiring a membership. Executives at Netflix claim that active users are more likely to stick around and refer friends to their over-the-top platform. Netflix subscribers viewed 183 billion hours of material in 2023.



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