According to Daniel Carmon, a former Israeli ambassador to india, india may be arming israel in its conflict with Gaza as a "return the favor" for Israeli assistance during the 1999 Kargil War.
Daniel Carmon stated that israel was one of the few nations who sent india weaponry during its conflict with pakistan in an interview with Israel's Ynetnews.
"Indians never fail to remind us that israel stood with them during the Kargil conflict... "The indians may be paying back the favor as they remember this," said Carmon, the Israeli ambassador to india from 2014 to 2018.

Israel supplied military supplies and equipment, such as guided weapons and drones, during the 1999 Kargil War.
Daniel Carmon made these comments amid rumors that india, a Middle Eastern nation short on supplies, had given israel drones and artillery ammunition to use in its conflict with Gaza.
According to media sources from February, india supplied israel with sophisticated Hermes 900 drones made in Hyderabad.
Israel established the base in hyderabad to provide supplies to the indian military. Nonetheless, the report stated that some 20 drones were supplied to be utilized by the Israeli Defence Forces.
However, india has not yet responded to Carmon's comments or corroborated the claims.

A cargo ship named "Marianne Danica" was headed for israel when spain stopped it from docking at the Cartagena port in May. According to Ynetnews, the ship was travelling from chennai and was carrying 27 tonnes of military equipment.
Now in its ninth month, Israel's conflict with Gaza has killed around 38,000 people and forced millions more to flee.

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