Overconfidence that has sunk the party..!?

* Did ycp trouble the movie heroes by bothering them?
* Will jagan understand the facts that votes come with welfare?
* Will ycp get its former glory only if there is a change in Jagan?

It is known that the results achieved by former chief minister jagan with ycp in the 2019 elections surprised even the leading political leaders. Seeing the sensational results achieved by ycp in 151 seats, comments were heard that it was difficult for tdp to achieve its former glory at that time. Then the people's support for jagan was full and positive comments were also expressed on the decisions taken by Jagan. But jagan, who was admired by people then, is now lonely. The alliance won 164 seats in the state while the ycp was limited to only 11 seats. It can be said that overconfidence has sunk the YCP. Some of the decisions taken by jagan were commented on as dictatorial decisions. The decisions taken by ycp to trouble movie heroes are also a minus for the party.
Apart from the distribution of money by Pappu Bellalla, criticism has been expressed about what ycp has done in the last five years, but ycp is in a situation where it cannot give a proper answer to those criticisms. It can be said that ycp has developed unexpectedly in some sectors but it is not able to publicize that development. If ycp is in a position where it cannot get at least the status of opposition, then it is easy to understand the situation of that party. The comments show that jagan still does not understand why the party lost, but jagan needs to understand the actual situation and move forward. jagan has to take steps towards reducing the opposition among his own party leaders and activists. While 40 percent of vote banks are ycp, it will only benefit jagan if he investigates the reasons behind the huge decrease in vote banks and corrects the mistakes. It remains to be seen whether there will be a change in jagan in the coming days.

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