India on tuesday cautioned its people living in kenya to proceed with "utmost caution" following the violent turnout of the country's ongoing demonstrations over a tax rise.
"In view of the prevailing tense situation, all indians in kenya are advised to exercise utmost caution, restrict non-essential movement and avoid the areas affected by the protests and violence till the situation clears up" , the indian embassy in kenya issued a statement on X.

All indians living in kenya are encouraged to exercise extreme care, limit travel that is not absolutely necessary, and stay away from the places affected by the protests and violence until the situation calms down. june 25, 2024 — india in kenya (@IndiainKenya)
The consulate also stated in the thread that indian nationals living in kenya should monitor local news sources as well as the Mission's website and social media accounts for updates.

At least five protestors were killed, several more were injured, and parts of the parliament building caught fire as MPs inside voted legislation to increase taxes earlier on tuesday when police opened fire on protestors attempting to assault Kenya's legislature.
Notably, a CNN interview revealed that Auma obama, a Kenyan activist and the half-sister of former US President barack obama, was one of the demonstrators who was tear-gassed during protests outside the parliament building in Nairobi.

"This is why I'm here: observe what's taking place. Young Kenyans are holding rights demonstrations. They're using banners and flags to protest. Auma obama murmured, attempting to protect her eyes from the growing smoke, "I can't even see anymore." "We are being tear-gassed."
The demonstrator behind obama, meantime, held a placard that said, "Colonialism never ended in kenya," while another shouted, "This is our country." This country is ours."

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