A request has been sent to all casting directors employed by the hindi film business by filmmaker karan Johar. He recently asked to be considered for a "meaty role or a character artist part." karan stated he has a dissatisfied actor inside of him who is anxious to show off his skills and that he is willing to play ananya Panday's father on television.

In a YouTube video interview, karan received accolades for his role in the 2015 movie bombay Velvet from Sucharita Tyagi. KJo responded to the compliments by saying, "After that movie, I didn't receive a single movie offer. I assumed I would have to say no to a plethora of film offers and other opportunities that would present themselves. Although I thought I was bragging about myself, I truly received great feedback. Not even a terrible movie was offered to me."

"I would like to tell the casting directors, 'I really do want to redeem myself,'" the director said in an apparent attempt to reach out to them. Though I am really pleased of bombay Velvet and the effort it took, I would really like to direct a movie. I'm willing to play any part, regardless of the role."

While he understands he would never be a movie's main character, karan still hopes to be given important roles. "Always give me some thought. I'll assume the role of Ananya's father. My age, or umar, is no longer a barrier at this point. "Main kar lunga (I will do it) as long as it's a meaty part, a character artist part," said Karan.
He made it clear, nevertheless, that he would not produce a movie in which he stars since doing so may damage the project's legitimacy. "I really want to act," he said in closing. I have an actor inside of me that is frustrated and it wants to come out. This is not a joke, I assure you. I'm prepared to dedicate my time to a movie."

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