When officials discovered a significant number of dead fish floating in a lake in the sangareddy district, they blamed the fish's demise on the water body's declining dissolved oxygen level. A Fisheries Department official stated on thursday that after appropriate steps were made to raise the dissolved oxygen percentage in the water body after the fish were discovered dead in the 230-acre lake in Chitkul village on monday evening, there has been a drop in fish mortality.

Based on preliminary analysis, the official stated that the drop in the dissolved oxygen level in the lake was caused by an increase in the "organic load" that followed the release of sewage water into the lake, which ultimately led to mass mortality. According to the officials, almost 1.5 tonnes of dead fish were discovered along the water body's borders.

Media were informed by local fishermen that fish deaths had been observed since Monday. They claimed, "We don't know the reasons behind the death of the fish...it was not clear why they died," adding that the lake is a source of sustenance for about 100 fishing families. They requested ex-gratia from the government to make up for the fish's loss.

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