President Joe Biden referred to former President donald trump as a "sucker" and a "loser" during a contentious presidential debate in the United States. Biden's remarks echoed those that trump has been accused of using to disparage military personnel who have died in battle or been held as prisoners of war.
Concurrently, trump declared that the quotation was "made-up" and asked that Biden issue an instant apology for his remarks.
"My son wasn't a failure or a gullible person. Biden said to trump, "You're the loser, you're the sucker."

Biden was alluding to the allegations made by john Kelly, the former chief of staff of the trump administration, that trump referred to military personnel who were injured or captured as "suckers" and those who died in battle as "losers".
Trump retorted to the President, saying, "First of all, the remark was made up. Losers and suckers. Who would utter those words? He need to apologise to me now."

In a discussion on thursday night, Democratic US President Joe Biden and his Republican opponent donald trump gave Americans a unique opportunity to observe the two oldest presidential contenders ever.
In a contest that surveys indicate has been evenly matched for months, candidates Biden, 81, and trump, 78, were under pressure to demonstrate their knowledge of the topics and refrain from making grammatical errors. Particularly Biden has been plagued by doubts over his intelligence and age.

The two candidates didn't have a live audience when they appeared, and when it wasn't their turn to speak, their microphones were shut off. These unusual regulations were put in place to prevent the mayhem that resulted from trump constantly interrupting Biden during their first debate in 2020.

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