The 75th birth anniversary of the late chief minister YS Rajasekhara Reddy, a popular leader, will be celebrated on the 8th of next month. Previously, his birthday celebrations have never been controversial. His daughter, sharmila, and his son, jagan, have traditionally commemorated this occasion together. However, for the first time, efforts are being made to politicize YS jayanthi, spearheaded by Sharmila.

Sharmila, currently the ap chief of the congress Party, faced a significant defeat in the last election. Despite her confident predictions of victory, including a win from Kadapa, she did not succeed and was left in tears. Nevertheless, she managed to increase the vote share from 1 percent to 2.8 percent, preventing the congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>ysr congress Party (YCP) from winning in key constituencies.

Now, sharmila is determined to maintain her momentum. She plans to use YS jayanthi for political gains and is deeply involved in the preparations. On the other hand, jagan remains silent, struggling to accept the heavy defeat in the recent elections. The question arises as to how he will counter sharmila, who is using the Jayanti celebrations to position herself against him.

Moreover, if YS jayanthi is not celebrated robustly by jagan, it could play into Sharmila's hands. Observers suggest that if sharmila, who is attempting to project herself as YS's true successor, is not countered effectively, it could lead to defections within the party. The ycp leader faces a significant challenge in addressing this issue.

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