At the state secretariat this afternoon, andhra pradesh Chief minister chandrababu naidu unveiled a white paper on Amaravati. During his speech, Naidu showed a "Then And Now" film that showed the state of several unfinished projects in the amaravati metropolitan area.
During its tenure in amaravati from 2014 to 2019, the tdp began constructing several buildings, including the housing for MLAs and MLCs, the All india Services (AIS) quarters, the bungalows of judges, ministers, and principal secretaries, the HOD and secretariat buildings, the High Court, and the housing for gazetted and non-gazetted officers (NGOs). All of these structures' construction was put on hold indefinitely after the ysr congress Party took office in 2019.

The work on these structures has not advanced in the previous five years. The spaces are therefore covered in trees, weeds, and standing water. chandrababu naidu said, "Many buildings have become unstable or damaged since construction was abandoned midway."
If the building had proceeded for the previous five years, amaravati would have been substantially built by now. However, growth halted under the YCP's horrible governance, necessitating Chandrababu Naidu's restart. By causing harm to amaravati, chandrababu naidu said that the ycp had deceived the people of Andhra. He stated that anyone thinking of relocating the capital should use the amaravati case study.

Chandrababu pledged to uphold justice for the amaravati farmers who gave up their land to build the nation's capital. He pledged to turn amaravati from rubble into a thriving metropolis. His objective is to eradicate poverty from the city by generating riches and opportunity. According to Chandrababu, Amaravati's construction has started and will go forward in the next several days in a planned, incremental fashion.

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