When one gains power, it is essential not to become arrogant, as power is never permanent. Regardless of whether one holds power or not, it is wise to remain cautious. Jaganmohan reddy displayed arrogance after coming to power in 2019, and his administration engaged in widespread harassment. They governed contrary to constitutional principles and acted as they pleased, often targeting tdp workers. Anyone who questioned the government faced imprisonment, with the police acting as party enforcers. Some high-ranking officers also followed the party's directives instead of adhering to constitutional rules.

During this period, opposition leaders and citizens faced significant persecution. nara lokesh embarked on the Yuvagalam Padayatra, touring the entire state and documenting the issues he encountered and the leaders who attacked him. He recorded the names of all officials who acted unlawfully in his red Book, including Balineni srinivas Reddy.

When the tdp Yuvagalam Padayatra reached Ongole district, the police subjected participants to extreme harassment. As a minister, Balineni often violated rules, engaged in hawala and poker, and exhibited none of the qualities expected of a people-elected leader. He mocked tdp leaders and his followers attacked tdp workers and leaders during the election campaign, causing significant trouble through illegal activities. Balineni escaped accountability for his actions, such as hawala and poker, using his position of power.

Balineni's name, due to his numerous transgressions, is included in Lokesh's red Book. Now that lokesh has come to power and assumed the post of minister, the question remains whether Balineni Srinivas's name will be removed from the red Book, or if old cases will be revived, leading to an investigation and possible imprisonment. The future actions remain to be seen.

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