Lokesh is waiting like a hungry tiger for Jagan..!?

-Lokesh is angry with Jagan.
-Lokesh is waiting to catch jagan with solid evidence.
- lokesh has decided to confine jagan mohan reddy to jail once again.

It is known that today's andhra pradesh minister Nara lokesh has prepared a red book during the Yuvagalam Padayatra. tdp leaders have said on many occasions that it contains the names of illegal cases, officials who have overaction, and high-ranking officials who behaved according to the will of the YCP. minister lokesh also gave full clarity on this red book on the national media platform, after coming to power. Nara lokesh made it clear that the red Book is the book to settle the accounts of those who filed false cases against activists and tdp leaders. However, even till now, there is no record of ycp leader and former cm YS jagan mohan reddy responding to this red Book case. jagan, who spoke to the media after meeting former mla Pinnelli ramakrishna Reddy, who is in nellore Central Jail, reacted to this red Book for the first time.
Jagan mohan reddy said that they are targeting and attacking in the name of red Book. Moreover, he alleged that attacks are also being made on ycp offices across the state. Former cm jagan mohan reddy said that such things should be stopped immediately. But Nara lokesh is fixed that there is no point in stopping. When jagan was in power, it is known how much he tortured Nara lokesh and his father tdp leader Chandrababu with words of direct competition. But lokesh is conducting an investigation to punish jagan not only with Kakshya but also with real proof. It is clear that lokesh has decided to confine jagan mohan reddy to jail once again in his investigation. Due to this red book, tension has started for jagan and his party leaders as well. Let's see what will happen next..?

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