Tamil Nadu Chief of BSP Hacked to Death by Six Men...

A six-person gang killed K Armstrong, the president of the Bahujan Samaj party (BSP) in tamil Nadu, by stabbing him to death on friday night close to his chennai home. In a harsh response to the incident, BSP Supremo mayawati declared that the tamil Nadu government "must punish the guilty." Armstrong, a former councillor for chennai Corporation, was attacked by a two-wheeler-riding gang near his Perambur home. They severely injured Armstrong before running away. According to police, he passed away en route to the hospital, and they have now begun a search to identify and apprehend the suspects.

"It is really disgusting and abhorrent that Mr. K. Armstrong, the president of the tamil Nadu state Bahujan Samaj party (BSP), was killed so brutally outside of his chennai home. He was well-known in the state as a powerful Dalit voice and an advocate by trade. The guilty must be punished by the state government, mayawati stated in a post on X.

Who was K Armstrong, President of the BSP in tamil Nadu?

K Armstrong was a practicing attorney in Chennai's courts after earning his legal degree from Venkateswara university in Tirupati.

In 2006, he was elected to the position of corporation councillor. The following year, he was named BSP tamil Nadu unit president.

He ran in the Kolathur seat for the tamil Nadu assembly in 2011, and although he lost, he had a lot of support.

He has continuously supported the rights of Dalits and the impoverished throughout his career.

Despite the BSP's lack of political influence in chennai, Amstrong, one of its advocates, was a well-known Dalit voice.

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