Just a few days after assuming leadership as Andhra Pradesh's cabinet minister, nara lokesh is making a lasting impression on administration. He recently gave the education Department authorities instructions to pass a special GO in order to address the problems facing intermediate specially-abled pupils.

Maruthi pruthvi Satyadev, a native of Vijayawada, placed 170th in the JEE Advanced Entrance Exam this year. He had trouble submitting his inter certificate, though. For many years, children with exceptional needs have only received the letter "E" (Exemption) from the intermediate board in the subjects for which they have been granted exemption.
The JEE rejected Maruthi pruthvi Satyadev's intermediate certificate when he filed it online for document verification, stating that it was invalid because the memo only had four topics and they would count Maths A and B as one subject. satyadev was expected to be assigned to an IIT madras seat based on his rank. He called IIT madras to inquire as to why his certificate was not accepted, and the administration responded that the certificate would be taken into consideration if the second language column had marks rather than the word "E."

Via WhatsApp, satyadev brought the issue to the attention of education Minister Nara Lokesh. lokesh reacted right away, telling administrators to take action to stop putting pupils through similar hardships in the future. Furthermore, lokesh assisted about twenty-five kids with special needs in obtaining admissions to IITs and NITs throughout the nation. He will be grateful to the youngsters in his undavalli home tomorrow for getting into such famous colleges.

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