Nara lokesh, the minister of education for Andhra Pradesh, has decided to intervene forcefully against the growing Ganja culture at IIIT Idupulapaya. The parents of the students at IIIT idupulapaya met with nara lokesh this morning to let him know that the school has turned into a drug center and that the ganja culture is having an impact on their children's future. lokesh gave the order for officials to conduct a comprehensive investigation because he was concerned about the growing drug culture at the school.

He assured parents that he would find a solution and save the future of their kids. Additionally, he issued an order taking strong action against local leaders who are instrumental in promoting ganja inside the establishment. He said that the state administration would see to it that this drug culture was eradicated across the whole state. He continued by saying that the administration is already acting in this way.
In the meantime, parents claimed that the personnel at IIIT idupulapaya is to blame for their children's poor test performance. They said that although their kids did well on the SSC Board examinations, the IIIT staff is failing them on the intermediate tests. They asked lokesh to investigate this further to preserve the future of their children. lokesh promised to take the required action to address all of their worries as soon as possible.


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