In his speech to the indian diaspora in Vienna, prime minister Narendra Modi emphasised India's long-standing commitment to international peace and prosperity, saying that india had given the world "Buddha," not "Yudh" (war). In his remarks, PM Modi emphasised India's goal of being the "best, the brightest, achieving the biggest, and reaching the highest milestones" in order to lead the world in the twenty-first century.
"We have been exchanging our knowledge and skills for thousands of years. Our contribution to the world was 'Buddha', not 'Yudha' (war). india has always contributed to peace and development, therefore it will bolster its position in the twenty-first century, prime minister Modi declared on wednesday in Vienna.

During his two-country visit that encompassed russia, the prime minister said these things in Australia. During discussions with President Vladimir Putin in moscow, he emphasised the significance of resolving the conflict in ukraine peacefully.
The first visit to austria by an indian prime minister in forty-one years was that of PM Modi. He described the visit as "meaningful" and declared, "On this historic occasion, the long wait has come to an end." india and austria are commemorating their friendship's 75th anniversary.

Although austria and india are physically apart, we have a lot in common. The two nations are connected by democracy. Liberty, equality, pluralism, and respect for the law are among our common ideals. Both languages and cultures are present in our civilizations. The prime minister said, "Both nations celebrate diversity, and elections are a big medium to reflect these values."

PM Mdi spoke with Chancellor Karl Nehammer and President Alexander Van der Bellen of austria about possibilities to increase bilateral collaboration in a number of areas, including as the environment and addressing climate change. Along with the two presidents, he spoke about the various continuing conflicts throughout the world, such as the situation in West Asia and the crisis in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin, the president of russia, and I had a talk in moscow about trade, defence, and strategic collaboration. war is not the answer to persistent problems, prime minister Modi informed the President of Russia.
On thursday morning, the prime minister arrived in New delhi following his trip to russia and Austria.

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